SpeakAsia Updates 25th Sept,12

Dear SpeakAsians,

In furtherance to our earlier communication and also to bring more clarity to the subject please find below the course of action as being decided by the company:-

1) Whilst waiting for the Order passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to be made available to us, we would like to repeat and reiterate that payments to panelists opting out under the EXIT option remain the utmost priority for the Company.
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Release of Company's website has brought a ray of hope to the panel members of getting there money back?

Are You satisfied with court's verdict on case of Hats Off Production V/S Spekasia?

Are you satisfied with the new website and the way products are being sold?

In how days you think speakasia will resume it's normal functioning?

will speakasia be able to regain its early image?

Do you think that StarNews is doing all this to promote there own survey group?