Speak Asia Online Website will be operational in next 2 days

he latest news about Speak Asia Online Pvt Ltd management reveals that the website www.speakasiaonline.com will resume its operations within next one or two days. As announced earlier, the exit option will be functioning when the original website is operational within the next few days.
The EOW (Economics Offense Wing) has made significant progress on the investigations last week. At any time, it is expected they will release a positive statement with a set of guidelines to be followed in order to continue the survey program. There are no clues about what are those conditions and every one is eagerly waiting for the final hearing.
After the announcement of exit option by the SAOL management, there are both positive and negative opinion from the panelists. Those panelist who are confident about SAOL's management, they say that once the operations are started with the modified policies (if applicable), the business growth may not be like the case earlier to the EOC incidence, but on a long run, this may not be a big problem to the SAOL's vision.
It has been noticed that many panelist has forgotten their  sponser id details as there is nowhere an email or any document issued to the panelist with the sponsor id information. This has created a strange situation to lot of panelists and they necessarily need to login to their panel to fetch this information in order to apply for the exit option.
People who have joined the program recently who has got negative opinion about SAOL, may find the exit option very attractive. They may choose to exit from the program safely so that a major filtering will happen post the exit operation.
Hence, it is expected that all is happening is good for the welfare of both Speak Asia Management as well for the Panelist. The panelists have waited for so long, now the climax is just awaited in the next few days.


Newspaper Article -EXIT Option

This article was published in a hindi newspaper -"hindustan" on 11th September after the company proposed its EXIT policy.

"www.speakasiamarketing.com" research analysis

"EXIT Option" Started....

As it was notified by the speakasia officials on 1st august,now the EXIT option has been opened for
its panelists.

The official note made was as follows:-

In continuation to our exit policy notification dated 1st August 2011, please find below the terms and conditions for awaiting of the exit policy option.

Since panelists have joined SAOL at different stages and time, the possible scenarios in case panelists chooses to EXIT will be as follows:

NO Reward points (henceforth referred as RP ) earned after becoming a panelist:
If you have recently subscribed to the E-Zine and have not participated in any of the SAOL activities or no RP's have been credited in your account then you can opt out of your association with SAOL by agreeing to these terms and conditions and filling up the attached form. By doing so you will a refund of your entire subscription cost less the registration amount to your bank account mentioned in your profile. The e-zine subscription shall cease to be sent to your mail ID and you will no longer be associated with SAOL.

RP's Earned lesser than Subscription Cost:
In case you have en-cashed or used RP's, whose total value is less than the subscription cost, these RP's shall be deducted from the cost of subscription and the balance will be credited in to your bank account. The ezine subscription will later cease to be sent to your mail ID and you will no longer be associated with SAOL.

RP's en-cashed or used are more than subscription cost:
You are welcome to participate in SAOL website since your participation has earned your RP's more than your subscription cost. You can now utilize the RPs for various revenue generating activities of the company once restart of our services is allowed in India.
In order to exit you are required to fill and submit the attached form. In order to fill the attached form, you will have to agree to the terms and conditions mentioned in this policy by clicking on the I agree button at the bottom of this page. Your details will be verified with the company's database and a confirmation mail will be sent to you. This is subject to gaining access to the company's servers from EOW Mumbai.

Amounts due to you will be sent by telegraphic transfer from Singapore and the company's amount lying in the accounts of the master collection representatives of HVP in India. This is subject to getting an assurance from the RBI in India that these transactions will be allowed to be credited to your accounts in India. ( Alternatively the company is also actively exploring the possibility of transferring the total amount along with the list of recipients to either a designated court in India or a competent authority that the court may wish to appoint for this purpose.)

All the amount lying with the company in Singapore are being legally reserved for making the payment to the panelist and cannot be used for any other purpose.

If the panelists EXIT, it is their sole responsibility to satisfy the queries raised by any of the authorities. Once the decision to EXIT is taken, it cannot be reversed. Any rewards due to the panelists who exit will not be processed and will not be contested by the panelists.

Some points to be noticed here:-
  • Though the exit option is made available,the request won't be processed until the company gains access to there servers.i.e until the official website starts its normal functioning. 
  • If the account of the panelist falls under any of the above mentioned categories he will get his money back according to the conditions give.
  • Even after the approval for the refund panelists will have to wait for the RBI clearance.
In my view one should not opt for EXIT option.The company is pretty much sure that there business will be restored soon that's why they are giving this EXIT option,and when the company comes to its normal  functioning the panelist will start getting there incentives regularly. Anyways those opting for EXIT option won't get there money back now,but only after everything becomes normal they why to hurry?
We should look it as a positive gesture of the company towards its panelists.

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