Profile of Justice Lahoti

Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.C. Lahoti 
Former Chief Justice of India
Lahoti’s Profile : 
Full Name : Ramesh Chandra Lahoti

HELD OFFICE TILL : 31/10/2005
Educational Qualification : B.Com., LL.B
Date of Birth :  01-11-1940

Order of Supreme Court

Here is the official write up of the order given by supreme court(14th Nov)

Supreme Court Verdict - 14th Nov,11

The hearing of today's session is over and as of the news received till now Justice R.S.Lohati has been appointed as mediator between SpeakAsia and government.
The next hearing is on 21st November and Justice Lohati will look into the matter further.

More updates to follow soon.

Supreme Court Of India Display Board

To know the current status of the cases today and the item number going in different rooms of court click the above link.
It is expected that the hearing will be something around 2 p.m.

SpeakAsia Legal Updates

Following are the three cases on which the fate of speakasia depends:
1)November 14 - Supreme Court Hearing
2)November 16 - Criminal PIL(Mumbai High Court)
3)November 16 - AISPA PIL

Here is the case status of Writ Petition by Solomon Jemes

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