RBI, SEBI, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs and PMO gave clearance to SpeakAsiaOnline?

As per the knowledge of the Company and its advice received since inception, SAOL has not breached any provisions of Indian law, RBI, SEBI, or any other government authority. However, it has come to the notice of the company through its media sources that because of the negative campaign initiated by some organizations, that RBI, SEBI, Ministry Of Corporate Affairs and PMO have initiated enquiry against the working of the company. SAOL welcomes this because this will help the Company to clear the cloud if any.

However, till date SAOL has not been contacted by any of the Government Departments.

The Company assures its full cooperation and participation in any enquiry or investigation initiated/ conducted by the Government Authorities in India and in fact it reached out by email to all authorities including the PMO on 15 May 2011, requesting for an enquiry into its affairs since the allegations could damage its reputation and trust with the panelist community.

1 comment:

  1. sushil i love speak asia
    it must be run in india without speakasia our life not survive


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