SpeakAsia investigation report to be filed by 7th sept.

As of now its EOW (Economic Offense Wing) , MCA ( Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and SFIO (Serious Fraud Investigation Office) are investigating SpeakAsia.
Now, its to be noted that these bodies are not only investigating SpeakAsia but other MLM  companies as well which have been there in India before SpeakAsia came into existence and after it too.
This definitely brings in good news in the wake of the public interest for each and every individual working with any MLM or planning to do so.
However, what we are bothered with as of now is that the investigation of SpeakAsia to be done soon - be it this side or that side - But we no more want to be hanging in mid air.
 According to the latest news from one of the media sources, court has directed the investigation authorities to file a reply by 7th September.
7th September isn't far now, lets hope we see some clear sky.

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