RBI clearance to SpeakAsia

RBI has finally cleared and approved the Business Model of SpeakAsia.
SpeakAsia has won fight over media,RBI along with SEBI, PMO and Ministry of Commerce.Official announcement  will be made on Monday.


  1. will it be possible to upload RBI Clearance for information of panelist & others who are simply waiting to join.

  2. Today is May 25th ..... no news about RBI Clearance ... these are rumours spread by management

  3. I am member of Speak Asia....today it's 26 May....& still there is no news from them @ clearance from RBI.....Now I have doubt about this companey.....& feeling cheated....1t's been 12 days generated the cash request....still haven't receive in my account.......??????
    Hoping for the BEST!!!!!


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