updates 2nd Oct,11

Yesterday an article published in Mumbai mirror said that SpeakAsia didn't have any client and all surveys were fake.EOW has also arrested Nayan Khandor,owner of Brand Saloon Inc.,who was responsible for preparing the surveys for SA.
Today on the official blog of speakasia a letter from the company has been put forward in which clarifications regarding the news has been given.

 Click Here To View The Newsletter

On august 11th speakasia on a non-disclosure agreement with EOW has shown there client list,and after verification it was confirmed that the clients list was genuine(click here to see the article).The recent arrest of Nayan khandor has caused discomfort among many,but the thing here is to be noticed is that  he is just an associate of speakasia working on commission basis and is responsible only for developing the language of the surveys and search engine optimization of the company's website(SEO).He had nothing to do with the client list,he just made surveys out of the materials given to him.

Further readings and clarifications on the same read ashok bahirwani's updates. 

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