SAOL allegations

After the media hype there are many rumors in the country against speakasia.I have even heard people saying that passport of the CEO of speakasia has been ceased,but one thing people don't know is that no legal action been yet taken against them.
Speak Asia being a online research company do not come under the purview of Investor and SEBI.The star news themselves said that Speak Asia has so far not violated any RBI regulations. as they are neither an investment company nor listed company trading in market. They come only under purview of RBI.
Recent success of genX bazaar  is an another milestone in there achievement.All the cash request till date has been honored,if there intentions would have been wrong they would have closed a long time back.They wouldn't have come forward to conduct press conference.They wouldn't have shown there ads on TV and newspapers.They are slowly diversifying themselves in fields like advt based surveys, product retailing, foray into insurance sector etc.
We must understand that speak asia is a online panelist management company and they get surveys by the outsourcing activity by various market research companies.
Opening an office in India does not guarantee a zero risk scenario.In the past also many MLM companies had many offices in India and were also registered got shut down,so a office in India does not assure of it's genuineness.

1 comment:

  1. speak asia make our life good and provide us good status in society.

    one song dedicate for speak asia:

    jane nhi denge tuze........(from 3 idiot )


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